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Cloverland announces candidates
April 16, 2017
Cloverland Electric Cooperative has seven members running for the three board seats in 2017. The ballots will be mailed in May. For nearly 80 years, Cloverland members have had the responsibility to vote for a member to represent them on the board of directors. Three of the nine seats are up for election each year.
District A candidates are: Dane Kuusinen, DeTour Village; William C. LaLonde, St. Ignace; and Gerald Nettleton, DeTour Village.
District B candidates are: Linda Hoath, Sault Ste. Marie and John Sawruk, Sault Ste. Marie.
District C candidates are: Virgil Monroe, Manistique and Allan Ott, Manistique.
Members will receive a ballot in the mail the first week of May and have until May 31 to return the marked ballot in the provided envelope to the counting firm in Minnesota. Results will be announced at the Annual Meeting of Members on June 8 at the Dafter Township Hall. More information will be presented in the May issue of Cloverland Connections Magazine received by members the first week of May.

Michigan State Police cracking down on distracted driving
April 14, 2017
Michigan motorists are reminded that One Text or Call Could Wreck It All during national Distracted Driving Awareness Month in April. For the first time, the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP) is supporting distracted driving enforcement activity for more than 170 law enforcement agencies receiving federal traffic safety funds.
“Many law enforcement agencies recognize that distracted driving is a serious concern in their communities,” said Michael L. Prince, OHSP director. “It’s vital that drivers keep their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road." Read More
Adopt-a-Beach Program springs into action for 2017 season
April 13, 2017
Beach cleanup season begins around the Great Lakes; Volunteers removed over 40,000 lbs of trash in 2016
As spring finally begins to appear around the Great Lakes, volunteers are heading out to beaches for a spring cleaning. The Alliance for the Great Lakes’ Adopt-a-Beach program mobilizes thousands of volunteers who give back to their local beaches each year. April, especially Earth Day, marks the unofficial beginning of the beach season around the Great Lakes as many groups hold their first Adopt-a-Beach events of the year. Read More

Volunteers needed to help guard Michigan’s sturgeon
April 12, 2017
CHEBOYGAN — The Black Lake Chapter of Sturgeon for Tomorrow in Cheboygan County is seeking volunteers to join in its effort, in partnership with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ Law Enforcement and Fisheries Divisions, to help protect lake sturgeon from illegal harvest during the annual spawning run.
Every spring, mature lake sturgeon, a fish species that is threatened in Michigan and rare throughout the United States, become vulnerable to poaching as they briefly leave Black Lake for spawning sites upstream in the Black River. Read More

Falling ice forces closure of Mighty Mac
April 11, 2017
Currently the Mackinac Bridge is closed to all traffic due to falling ice. The closure is expected to last throughout the night and motorists are advised to seek shelter. If conditions improve, the bridge will be opened in the morning.
Last month the bridge had one full closure due to falling ice and two partial closures.
The Mackinac Bridge Authority is monitoring the conditions at various points along the structure. If you are planning to travel to the Straits area, please tune to AM 530 or 1610. Bridge personnel are stationed at both ends of the bridge at this time to offer instruction.
LSSU to host Michigan Notable Author Mardi Jo Link
April 10, 2017
SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – Mardi Jo Link, a 2014 Michigan Notable Book author, visits Lake Superior State University on Thurs., April 13, for an afternoon master class and evening reception, reading, and book signing. All events are free and open to the public.
The master class is at 3 p.m. in room 212 of the Center for Applied Center and Technology (CASET) entitled, More Like Yourself With Every Page: The Power of Voice in Memoir. The evening reading, reception, and book signing is 7-9 p.m. in the Kenneth L. Shouldice Library.. Light hors d’oeuvres will be offered. Read More

An Evening with Anish
April 10, 2017
SAULT STE. MARIE — Bayliss Public Library will host Washington state athlete Heather Anderson (also known as Anish) on Thursday, April 13 at 7 p.m. The event is free to the public, with support from the Sault Naturalists of Ontario and Michigan. She will speak about her adventures hiking, especially on the Appalachian Trail.
Anderson completed her “Triple Crown” of backpacking in 2006 at the age of 25. She completed the 2,100 mile long Appalachian Trail in 2003, the 2,600 mile long Pacific Crest Trail in 2005, and the ~2,600 mile long Continental Divide Trail in 2006. She subsequently took up ultra-marathon running, and has completed six 100 mile races since August 2011 as well as dozens of 50k and 50 mile events. She has attempted the infamous Barkley Marathons three times, starting a third loop once. When not logging trail miles, she climbs peaks in the Pacific Northwest and around the world.

Invasive species odd hero for native fish
April 09, 2017
LANSING — A native fish may be poised for a comeback in the Great Lakes, with the help of an invasive species.
Great Lakes cisco, also known as lake herring, are growing in number. Catch rates are increasing in recreational and commercial fisheries, said Kevin Donner, the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians’ Great Lakes fisheries program manager.
Twenty years ago, it would have been notable to catch a single cisco in a year in Lake Michigan. In the bay, they’re now pulled up by the netload. Read More
Spring workshops offer current research and information on status of fisheries in lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan, Superior and St. Clair
April 10, 2017
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, in partnership with Michigan Sea Grant, Michigan State University Extension, the U. S. Geological Survey’s Great Lakes Science Center, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research, and local fishery organizations, will participate in several regional workshops the next two months highlighting research and information about the fisheries of Lake Erie, the Detroit River, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan and Lake St. Clair.
Workshops are free and open to the public, and will provide valuable information for anglers, charter captains, resource professionals and other community members. The workshops will focus on fish populations and angler catch data, native species, forage fish surveys, invasive species, updates on fisheries management activities, and other related topics.
The 2017 Lake St. Clair fishery workshop will be held Thursday, April 13, 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Sportsmen’s Direct, 38989 Jefferson Ave., Harrison Township.
The 2017 Lake Superior fishery workshop will be held Wednesday, May 24, 6 to 9 p.m. at the Chocolay Township Hall, 5010 U.S. 41, Harvey.
The 2017 Lake Huron fishery workshop dates and locations include:
Bay City - Wednesday, April 12, 6 to 9 p.m.
Bangor Township Hall, 3921 Wheeler Road
Oscoda - Wednesday, April 26, 6 to 9 p.m.
American Legion Oscoda, 349 S. State St.
Cedarville - Thursday, April 27, 6 to 9 p.m.
Clark Township Community Center, 133 E. M-134
Workshops are no cost to participants; however, pre-registration is requested for most workshops. Workshop registration and details are available on the Michigan Sea Grant website
•Abandoned hunting blinds to be removed
(April 5, 2017)
• State launches online child support tool (April 6, 2017)
• Proposed WIC cuts unclear for local agencies (April 3, 2017)
•Workshop on Cottage Food Laws to be held in Rudyard on April 26 (March 24, 2017)
Winter Farmer's Market
Saturday, April 22
Bayliss Public Library
Open from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Don’t forget to visit our local Farmers’ Market on Saturday mornings. Conveniently located inside of Bayliss Public Library, you can shop and support local vendors, while remaining warm and dry.
Humane Society to hold fundraiser
Donations needed for auction
Best of Friends Humane Society is taking donations of gently used goods (except clothing) for a fundraising auction to be held in late April. The event will be conducted by Royale Treasures Auction with proceeds going to help EUP animals in need. Over the past five years, the organization has assisted more than 500 low income pet owners with their pets’ veterinary care. Call Best of Friends 906-440-8309 for drop-off locations in the Soo. Pickup may be available. See items to be auctioned on Best of Friends Humane Society’s Facebook page.
The time and date of the auction will be announced in the coming weeks.
Spring Cleanup planned for forest
The Spring 2017 St. Ignace Ranger District of the Hiawatha National Forest Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 6th. The group will be meeting at Castle Rock in St. Ignace at 9 a.m., and plan on working until 2 p.m., lunch will be provided for the volunteers.
If you plan to attend, please dress appropriately for the weather; tools, gloves and other safety equipment will be provided. According to the rangers, the public is a huge help with this effort, and is encouraged to participate again this year.
Contact Justin Bomers at 906-643-7900 x 137 or Tom Briggs at 906-748-6567 with questions.
Crafter’s wanted
A Craft Show will be held on Saturday, June 3 at the American Legion Post #393 in Hulbert.
Cost for vendors is $20 for an inside, 10 x10 space, 1- 8ft table and chair furnished,(smaller & larger sizes available). Contact Heather Frank at (906) 274-5228 or email: for more information.
St. Mary’s School hosting annual raffle
Buy your St. Mary's Raffle tickets from
Bernice Scozzafave by calling 906-248-5277 or email her at 1st place prize is $10,000, 2nd place is $2,000, plus 10 additional $100 prizes. This is tax-deductible purchase. Better odds than the lottery-only 3,000 tickets printed. Drawing is May 4th at 7 p.m. at St. Mary's School. They will be having dessert and coffee from 5 to 7 p.m. before the drawing. Tickets are $20.
Casino Room Attendant/Bay Mills Resort & Casino (closes April 17)
Security Guard/Bay Mills Resort & Casino (closes April 17)
Maintenance/Bay Mills Resort & Casino (closes April 17)
Med-XRay Technician/Bay Mills Health Center (open until filled)
Casino Room Attendant/Bay Mills Resort & Casino (open until filled)
Housekeeping Room Attendant/Bay Mills Resort & Casino (open until filled)
Line Cook/Wild Bluff Golf Course (open until filled)
Kitchen Steward/Bay Mills Resort & Casino (open until filled)
Gaming Pitboss/Bay Mills Resort & Casino (closes April 17)
Promotions Host/Bay Mills Resort & Casino (closes April 18)
Line Cook/Sacy's (open until filled)
Staff Dentist/Bay Mills Health Center (Open until filled)
Chief Financial Officer/Bay Mills Indian Community (Open until filled)
Have a news item or event? Interested in advertising here or in print?
E-mail us at
Have you purchased your new fishing license?
April 7, 2017
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources reminds anglers that a new fishing season began Saturday, April 1, which coincided with the new regulation cycle; 2016 licenses were good only through March 31, 2017.
Five options are available when making a purchase. All fishing licenses are good for all species.
Resident Annual - $26
Non-Resident Annual - $76
Senior Annual (for residents age 65 or older) - $11
24-Hour (resident or non-resident) - $10
72-Hour (resident or non-resident) - $30
A temporary 10-percent discount on non-resident annual licenses enacted two years ago has expired, returning that license to its original cost of $76. Read More
Upper Peninsula Peace Officer Memorial Ceremony to take place at LSSU
April 2, 2017
SAULT STE. MARIE — The Upper Peninsula Peace Officer Memorial Ceremony will be held in
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan this year. The ceremony will take place on Thursday, May 18 at the James Norris Event Center at Lake Superior State University, 650 W. Easterday Ave., Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Prior to the ceremony starting, there will be a procession of patrol vehicles through downtown Sault Ste. Marie to the Norris Center. The ceremony will begin at 11 A.M. in the Taffy Abel Arena and will last for approximately one hour.
This year’s event is hosted by law enforcement agencies in Chippewa County and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The purpose is to honor fallen state, local, county, conservation and correction officers who have died in the line of duty. The roll call will include officers who have died in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, those from Wisconsin counties bordering Michigan and those from Canadian agencies bordering the Upper Peninsula. The ceremony also pays honor to the survivors of these officers and serves as a tribute to all peace officers that serve and protect their communities every day.
The history of Project Blue Ribbon began in 1962 when President John F. Kennedy proclaimed the week of May 15, “National Police Week” and designated May 15, “National Police Officers Memorial Day”. The law enforcement agencies of Chippewa County and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario and its members have selected May 18, 2017 as a day to hold solemn tribute to peace officers and their families.
The public is invited to attend the ceremony.