Lake Superior State University’s 44th Annual List of Banished Words released
December 31, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — The wordsmiths at Lake Superior State University have released LSSU’s 44th annual List of Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-use, Over-use and General Uselessness.
“We grapple, litigate, and then yeet irritating words and phrases gathered from the nominations and votes received during 2018,” said an LSSU-OTUS thought leader from the word-banishment wheelhouse. “It’s the most important election of our time.”
LSSU’s word banishment tradition is now in its fifth decade, and was started by the late W. T. Rabe, a public relations director at Lake Superior State University. For every new year since 1976, LSSU — also known for premier programs in nursing, engineering, robotics, and Great Lakes freshwater research — has issued this list, firmly tongue in cheek. Read More
Michigan investment in the new Soo Lock speeds up project, will save taxpayers $30 million
Agreement makes Michigan’s commitment of up to $52 million for the new lock official
December 26, 2018
LANSING — Efforts to construct a new Soo Lock took a big step forward as Michigan and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, have signed a memorandum of agreement officially committing Michigan’s contribution of up to $52 million for the new lock at the Soo Locks facility in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.
“The Soo Locks are essential to our economy and national security. The time is long overdue for construction to begin on the new lock,” said Gov. Rick Snyder. “I’m pleased that the work is finally getting underway and hope that Congress quickly provides the rest of the funds needed to complete the project.”
The state’s contribution will be used to pay for construction activities, including a portion of the channel deepening as well as design work for the new lock. It is estimated that Michigan’s contribution, combined with the Corps’ $32 million, will accelerate the project’s completion by one year. According to the state, this will be saving taxpayers an estimated $30 million.
This Soo Locks project was authorized by Congress in 1986, though funding never followed. Michigan accelerated its advocacy for the Soo Locks project following President Trump’s visit to Michigan and commitment to the project in April.
Last day to submit banished word nominations is Dec. 26
December 25, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — Now is the time to get rid of this past year’s abused and misused words and phrases. Only a matter of days remain to submit a nomination for Lake Superior State University’s 2019 Word Banishment List, to be released on Dec. 31.
Nominations will be taken until Dec. 26. Read More
Calls to Smoking Quitline increase
December 23, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE – In 2018 calls to the American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program (1-855-372-0037) significantly increased after the release of four digital stories and public service announcements produced by the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan.
According to the Intake Demographic Report produced by the Michigan Tobacco Quitline and National Jewish Health, from October 2017 through June 2018, there were a total of 152 American Indian and Alaska Native callers, a 250 percent increase. Read More
Community Development Mini-Grants awarded
December 23, 2018
CHIPPEWA COUNTY — The Eastern Upper Peninsula Regional Planning & Development Commission has recently awarded the 2018 round of Community Development Mini-Grants. Community Development Mini-Grants are funded by the Regional Prosperity Initiative to support placemaking projects which would have a positive economic impact within the community.
After a very competitive review process, eight awards were made throughout Mackinac, Chippewa, and Luce counties for a total of $20,000 granted and over $40,000 leveraged in cash and in-kind match.
Projects which were awarded a Community Development Mini-Grant showcase placemaking principals, and each will enhance what makes the surrounding community unique. Public art will be installed outside of the Hessel School House and the Bay Mills Indian Community farmer’s market pavilion. Drummond Island Tourism Association and DeTour Village each received awards for improved streetscaping and signage.
This program has always supported the recreational characteristics of our Eastern Upper Peninsula communities, and this year was no exception. Little Traverse Conservancy will construct a birding platform near the Aldo Leopold historic marker on Mackinac Bay, the City of Mackinac Island will install a kayak launch, Garfield Township will be installing playground equipment, and Luce County Parks will build a pickleball court.
These projects will begin in the spring and have a full construction season to finish.
Legislation expands eligibility for substitute teachers
December 20, 2018
LANSING – Under legislation signed today by Gov. Rick Snyder, individuals with professional career expertise can substitute teach in grades 9-12 without a teaching certificate.
"This legislation will help schools fill teacher shortages in programs that offer high-demand career skills so that our students can be prepared for a 21st century economy," Snyder said.
HB 4421, sponsored by state Rep. Holly Hughes, allows individuals, to substitute teach in grades 9 to 12without a teaching certificate in an industrial technology program or a career and technical education program if the individual satisfies prescribed requirements and has achieved expertise, as determined by the local school board. I also allows individuals under 22 years of age, who don’t have a teaching certificate, to substitute teach in grades 9-12. The bill is now PA 418 of 2018.
Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority approves agreement to build multi-use tunnel, remove pipelines from bottom of Straits
December 19, 2018
LANSING — The Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority (MSCA) today approved an agreement with Enbridge Energy Limited Partnership to build a multi-use utility tunnel beneath the Straits of Mackinac. The tunnel will house a replacement segment for the Line 5 pipeline that sits on the bottom of the Straits and other utilities.
In addition, the authority, which held its inaugural meeting in St. Ignace, approved the transfer of a property right that will allow Enbridge to construct the tunnel in bedrock beneath the Straits.
Also today, Gov. Rick Snyder and leaders of the departments of Natural Resources and Environmental Quality signed a separate agreement with Enbridge. This Third Agreement carries forward provisions of two previous agreements with the company – one in November 2017 and one in October 2018. The Third Agreement requires Enbridge to undertake an enhanced inspection and stewardship regimen. The agreement also includes interpretations of the 1953 easement for the dual pipelines on the bottom of the Straits, as well as ongoing financial assurance requirements for the pipelines.
The approved agreements will soon be posted on the website.
December 14, 2018
MDEQ issues Enbridge a permit for 48 anchors in Straits
December 7, 2018
LANSING — The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Water Resources Division, has issued Enbridge a permit to install 48 anchor support structures into the lake bed on Line 5 pipelines to decrease the span distance at these locations within the Straits of Mackinac. The project is located in Wawatam Township, Emmet County and Moran Township, Mackinac County, MiWaters permit number WRP014208 v.1.
The MDEQ completed its review and drafted the permit on Nov. 5, under authority of Part 325, Great Lakes Submerged Lands, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. Enbridge returned the permit on Friday Nov. 30.
Project activities involve the installation of a helical anchoring system with saddle mounts around the pipeline in each of the proposed locations. The 48 anchors will be augured directly into the lake bed using 10-inch diameter screws. The total direct lake bottom impact of all screw augers will be approximately 20 cubic yards with a total footprint of about 53 square feet. Permit conditions require verification of anchor support placement by diver or remote operate vehicle including documentation of pipeline coating conditions after anchors are installed.
According to the state, the 48 proposed anchors are "for the purpose of minimizing the potential of having any pipe spans exceeding 75 feet." MDEQ asserts the work is being completed to fulfill Enbridge’s obligations under the State of Michigan 1953 bottomlands easement between Enbridge and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, as well as the Enbridge-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Federal Consent Decree.
This project is not associated with any new utility installation.
Diocese addresses allegations
December 6, 2018
MARQUETTE — The Diocese of Marquette has completed its preliminary investigation into an allegation against Father Frank Lenz of sexual misconduct with a minor in the early 1970s. The case has been forwarded to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith at the Vatican, which has jurisdiction in the Church in these cases. The CDF noted they will review the material and make a decision about how the diocese should proceed. Read More
Senate approves Line 5 utility tunnel legislation
December 5, 2018
LANSING — The state Senate on Wednesday voted to move forward with legislation allowing construction of a utility tunnel beneath the Straits of Mackinac.
Senate Bill 1197 would establish the Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority, which would be responsible for acquiring, constructing, maintaining, and operating the new utility tunnel.
The original version of the bill tasked the Mackinac Bridge Authority with responsibility, which received an abundance of public backlash.
The amended version of the legislation, introduced by Sen. Wayne Schmidt, R-Traverse City, gives the three-member board of the MSCA the responsibility of overseeing the tunnel’s construction and daily operation once completed. Members are appointed to six-year terms by the governor.
“Many people that I have spoken with are relieved with the direction that we decided to go with this bill,” Schmidt said. “I think this was a tremendous example of our system of government at work. People came out, voiced their opinions, held discussions, and in the end, we were able to listen to folks and reach a compromise that is in the best interest of our state.”
SB 1197 will now go to the Michigan House of Representatives for approval.
Smartphone gambling–even on college sports–under review by state
December 3, 2018
By NICK KIPPER/Capital News Service
LANSING — A trio of bills that would legalize and regulate online gambling from a smartphone or computer is awaiting a vote in the Senate before year’s end.
If the Senate approves, the state’s three commercial casinos and 24 tribal casinos could set up online platforms for players to gamble through. That includes sports betting, poker, blackjack and any online version of games offered at the casinos. Read More
LSSU to offer new academic programs
December 2, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — Lake Superior State University University’s Board of Trustees voted during its Nov. 9 meeting to approve three new certificate programs. They also received updates on the $13.2M construction of the Center for Freshwater Research and Education (CFRE), and activities leading toward a public-private-partnership to build new residence halls.
The new certificate programs are in E-Marketing, International Business, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
The 12 credit-hour GIS certificate includes courses in introduction to GIS/GPS, intermediate GIS, geospatial analysis, and a choice of GIS programming & application, applied geospatial technologies, or remote sensing and spatial statistics. Read More
Renew your CPL online
December 1, 2018
LANSING — Michigan residents with an existing concealed pistol license can now renew their license online at
Online renewal requires a personal identification number (PIN). If a CPL holder’s renewal notification letter does not contain a PIN, he/she may request a new renewal notification letter directly from the county clerk that issued the CPL.
In addition to online renewal, CPL holders may also renew their license in-person at their county clerk’s office or by mail with a completed application and payment. The application and instructions for renewing by mail are available at
First-time CPL applicants must still apply in-person at their county clerk’s office.
Statewide there are 644,677 active CPLs. Once issued, a CPL is valid for up to five years.
Enbridge tunnel proposal heading to the Senate
November 28, 2018
Bay Mills Tribal Chairman Bryan Newland was one of many tribal leaders who went to Lansing urging legislators to reconsider this proposed bill. This bill is just one of many that is being pushed through the lame duck session prior to Democrat Gretchen Whitmer taking the governor's office in January. Whitmer has been a vocal opponent of the tunnel and Enbridge's presence in the Straits.
Critics argue current Gov. Rick Snyder is pushing the deal through without proper consultation, including that of the Mackinac Bridge Authority. The MBA maintains the bridge, and under the bill would be responsible for oversight of the tunnel.
Proposals sought for TedX event
November 28, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE. – Lake Superior State University is seeking proposals for its Spring 2019 TEDx event, to be held in the LSSU Library on April 5. LSSU Students, staff, and community members are welcome to submit their proposals. The theme for the 2019 TEDxLSSU event is “-isms,” where speakers will explore innovative ideas worth sharing sparked by this now ubiquitous suffix.
Individuals, pairs, or small groups may submit proposals of no more than 500 words via the online speaker application at by the end of the business day Friday, Dec. 7. Please review guidelines at prior to submission.
TEDx events are local, self-organized programs that bring people together to share a TED-like experience under the guidance of the international TED Conference organization. The TEDxLSSU event will feature live speakers who will share their unique insights and perspectives to inspire the audience to think in new and creative ways. These events are branded TEDx, where x represents an independently-organized TED event.
TED, which began as a conference to bring people together from Technology, Entertainment and Design in 1984, is a nonprofit program devoted to ideas worth spreading. Along with two annual conferences -- the TED Conference on the West Coast each spring, and the TEDGlobal conference in Edinburgh UK each summer -- TED includes the award-winning TED Talks video site, the Open Translation Project and TED Conversations, the inspiring TED Fellows and TEDx programs, and the annual TED Prize. TED conferences bring together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes or less.
Visit to read about TEDx and its mission or to see the atmosphere and character of TED talks; follow @TEDxLSSU on Facebook to stay up to date on TEDxLSSU
Traffic stats for holiday weekend released
November 27, 2018
LANSING — The Michigan State Police announced that preliminary reports indicate 11 people lost their lives in 10 separate traffic crashes during the 2018 Thanksgiving holiday weekend, the same as during the 2017 Thanksgiving holiday weekend which resulted in 11 fatalities from 11 traffic crashes.
Out of the 10 deadly crashes:
Restraints were not used in three crashes and unknown use in three.
Alcohol use was a known factor in two of the deadly crashes.
One involved an off-road vehicle where a helmet was not worn.
Two victims were pedestrians.
“These numbers are preliminary and only reflect those fatalities reported to the MSP as of 11 a.m., Nov. 26,” said Spl/F/Lt. Jim Flegel, State Services Bureau. “The preliminary numbers show the same number of fatalities from this holiday period last year. The MSP continues to urge motorists not to drive while impaired, always use proper restraints, and to make responsible driving decisions.”
The 2018 Thanksgiving holiday weekend ran from 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 21, through 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 25, 2018.
Sierra Club to host program
November 27, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE— The Three Lakes Group of the Sierra Club will host a presentation titled "Large Animals in the Eastern Upper Peninsula" on Dec. 13. David Jentoft, wildlife biologist with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, will be the speaker.
The even will take place in Crawford Hall, Room 207, on Lake Superior State University’s Campus starting at 6:30 p.m.
The eastern UP supports a number of larger animals like deer, black bear, and wolves. What is their status? How are they monitored and managed? This presentation will cover this and other information for these species, and touch on some other large mammals as well.
November 20 is Michigan Adoption Day
During Adoption Month, Michigan searches for permanent homes for more than 320 children in foster care
November 19, 2018
LANSING – More than 320 children who are in foster care in Michigan need loving, permanent homes as the state marks Adoption Month.
Gov. Rick Snyder has proclaimed November to be Adoption Month. November 20 is Adoption Day in Michigan.
Anyone interested in adopting from foster care can contact the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange at 800-589-6273 or learn more about children available for adoption at
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services – in partnership with adoption agencies and the courts – works to find and create forever families through adoption. In fiscal year 2018, 1,931 children were adopted from the Michigan foster care system, according to MDHHS.
“It is important for all children to have a loving home that they can call their own,” said MDHHS Director Nick Lyon. “While our priority is to safely reunify children in foster care with their parents, we rely on adoptive parents when it’s determined that a child cannot safely return to his or her home.”
People can adopt whether they’re single or married. They don’t have to be wealthy or own their own home, but must have adequate financial resources to provide for a family.
Children in the foster care system become eligible for adoption following termination of parental rights due to abuse or neglect. There were 13,710 children in the foster care system as of Sept. 30, 2018, but the goal for most children is safe reunification with their families.
For more information about adoption in Michigan, visit
With preseason sales up, snowmobile industry hoping for snow
November 16, 2018
By KALEY FECH/Capital News Service
LANSING — Snow is flying, and Michigan’s snowmobilers are gearing up to hit the trails.
Traffic on the trails took a nosedive during the recession but was up last year. Bill Manson, the executive director of the
Michigan Snowmobile Association, is optimistic the uptick will continue.
“We had a good year last year,” he said. “We actually had about 11,000 more snowmobile permits sold last year than the year before.” Read More
Michigan Legislative roll call highlights
November 15, 2018
LANSING — This edition of the Roll Call Report highlights bills on issues that may arise in the coming lame duck legislative session.
Senate Bill 1171: Undo repeal of lower minimum wage for “tipped” workers
Introduced by Sen. Dave Hildenbrand (R), to delete the provision of the 2018 initiated law that repealed a lower minimum wage imposed of tipped workers, which had been 38 percent of the minimum wage for other workers. (Under the previous law, a tipped-worker’s employer still had to pay the difference between the lower tipped wage amount and the regular minimum wage if tips come up short.) The initiated law was enacted by the legislature in September of 2018 and is now Public Act 337 of 2018. The bill does not affect the initiative’s minimum wage hike for non-tipped workers.
Senate Bill 1175: Remove employer guilt presumption from employee leave mandate
Introduced by Sen. Mike Shirkey (R), to remove an employer liability provision of the 2018 initiated law that imposes a mandate on small businesses to grant employees up to 40 hours annually, and 72 hours for larger employers. The provisions targeted by this bill potentially create a legal presumption in any disputes that an employer has violated the law. The bill does not affect the actual sick leave mandate the initiative imposed on employers.
Senate Bill 787: Authorize lower-cost auto insurance for seniors
To exempt a person age 65 or above from having to buy the unlimited personal injury protection (PIP) coverage mandated by the state no fault auto insurance law. Specifically, these individuals could buy either unlimited injury coverage or a policy that caps medical coverage at $50,000, with injury expenses above that amount covered by the individual's Medicare and related coverage.
Senate Bill 1014: Cap auto insurance crash victim family-care charges
Introduced by Sen. Joe Hune (R), to restrict the amount that can be charged for long term “attendant care” provided by family members to crash victims under the state no fault insurance law’s mandatory unlimited medical coverage.
Senate Bill 1197: Authorize Straits of Mackinac pipeline and utility tunnel
Introduced by Sen. Tom Casperson (R), to give the Mackinac Bridge Authority the authority to install a utility tunnel under the Straits of Mackinac. This would contain a controversial oil pipeline, power lines and other utility infrastructure. The bill authorizes the Authority to borrow and levy user fees to build and operate the tunnel.
House Bill 6373: Require comprehensive PFAs regulatory regime
Introduced by Rep. Peter Lucido (R), to direct the state Department of Environmental Quality to establish and impose a comprehensive regulatory regime for the handling, storage, disposal, and clean-up of substances containing PFA chemicals by the end of 2019.
House Bill 5526: Assign letter-grade to each public school
Introduced by Rep. Tim Kelly (R), to create a state commission to develop a system that assigns each public school a letter grade between A and F based on its achievement in six specified indicators: math and English proficiency; math and English progress; progress of non-English speakers at learning the language; graduation rate; absentee rate; and the rate of participation on statewide tests.
Senate Bill 983: Require schools have response plans for many threats
Introduced by Sen. Marty Knollenberg (R), to require public schools and local police to develop emergency response plans for a broad range of specific risks including school violence and attacks. Also, schools would be required to have plans to improve school building security, plans to train teachers on mental health, and an active shooter protocol.
House Bill 6420: Permit and regulate fantasy sports games
Introduced by Rep. Brandt Iden (R), to establish a permissive licensure and regulatory regime on fantasy sports games and contests that offer money prizes, with games subject to specified restrictions and requirements, and an initial license fee of up to $5,000 for would-be vendors. Game outcomes would have to be the result of player skill and knowledge and not just chance, with prize amounts specified in advance. Individuals who run small scale fantasy sport games from their home would be exempt from licensure.
Information provided by, a free, non-partisan website created by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, providing concise, non-partisan, plain-English descriptions of every bill and vote in the Michigan House and Senate.
Young artists encouraged to participate in competition
November 13, 2018
LANSING — Calling all young aviators! Do you have a passion for airplanes, hot air balloons, gliders, or simply like to fly as a passenger? Do you like to draw, paint, or color? If so, here's a fun opportunity for children between the ages of 6 and 17 to combine art and aviation in the 2019 International Aviation Art Contest, sponsored by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale.
Entries are judged in three classes, according to age and at least in part for its creative use of the theme "My Dream to Fly" in relation to the aviation world. Winners will receive recognition from their state. The top three entries in each age group will be forwarded to Washington, D.C., to be judged in the national competition. All Michigan entries must be received by Jan. 18, 2019, to the following person:
Erika Hanses
MDOT Office of Aeronautics
2700 Port Lansing Road
Lansing, MI 48906
Bear regulations meeting to be held Dec. 14
November 13, 2018
ST. IGNACE — Bear regulations are reviewed every two years, making 2019-2020 a new regulation cycle and an opportunity to review potential harvest quotas. On Dec. 14, the Bear Forum will meet in St. Ignace at the Little Bear East Arena, located at 275 Marquette St., from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Bear Forum is made up of stakeholders and non-affiliated individuals who have an interest in Michigan’s bear management. Public seating will be available.
The 2017 bear hunter survey and preliminary 2018 harvest information, the Upper Peninsula predator/prey study and bear abundance estimates will be reviewed, and potential regulatory changes will be discussed.
For questions about the upcoming Bear Forum meeting, contact Kevin Swanson at 906-458-1889.
DNR looking for volunteers to serve on the Citizens Advisory Councils
November 12, 2018
CHIPPEWA COUNTY — The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is soliciting applications for open volunteer positions on the Eastern and Western Upper Peninsula Citizens Advisory Councils.
The councils are designed to advise the DNR on regional programs and policies, identify areas in which the department can be more effective and responsive, and offer insight and guidance from members’ own experiences and from the public.
A Nov. 30 deadline has been set to apply for membership to either of the two councils. There are several vacancies currently available.
Each council meets every other month. Meeting agenda items addressed at council meetings are set by the council members. Council recommendations are forwarded to the DNR for consideration in policy-formation and decision-making processes.
“The councils are a great opportunity for members and the public to learn about, and have input into, DNR issues, programs and processes,” said John Pepin, DNR deputy public information officer. “Since their creation, the two U.P. councils have drafted over 80 recommendations, on a wide variety of topics, which have been sent to the DNR for consideration, the wide majority of which have been approved.”
Council members, who are required to have their primary residence located in the U.P., represent a wide variety of natural resource and recreation interest groups or the citizenry at large.
Members are selected for the councils based on a variety of factors.
The eastern U.P. council includes roughly 20 members, each of whom reside within Alger, Chippewa, Luce, Mackinac or Schoolcraft counties. The western council includes essentially the same number of members who are draw from the U.P.’s remaining 10 counties lying west of Federal Forest Highway 13.
Application forms and more information about the councils are available online at or by calling the DNR’s Marquette Customer Service Center at 906-226-1331.
Completed applications may be faxed to 906-228-9441, emailed to, or mailed to DNR (Attn: CAC), 1990 U.S. 41 South, Marquette, MI 49855.
For more information, contact DNR Upper Peninsula Regional Coordinator Stacy Welling Haughey at 906-226-1331.
Lake State inducts members into Athletic Hall of Fame
November 9, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — The 2018 Lake Superior State Athletic Hall of Fame were held on Nov. 3 at LSSU. View all of the inductees here.
Attack energy waste to reduce bills, state tells U.P. plants
November 7, 2018
Capital News Service
LANSING — Small manufacturers in the Upper Peninsula are getting state help to attack some of the highest electric rates in the nation.
The Michigan Agency for Energy is offering rebates of up to $10,000 to U.P. manufacturers with fewer than 50 employees for energy waste reduction. The application process remains open until the $75,000 for the program is awarded. Read More
Whitmer takes governor's seat
Early results are in for the Nov. 6 election. Democrat Gretchen Whitmer will lead the state as governor as she defeated Republican challenger Bill Schuette for the seat.
Recreational marijuana was also approved by voters.
The recreational marijuana measure will allow adults that are over the age of 21 to possess, grow and use small amounts of marijuana legally. Those provisions are set to take effect within 10 days of the vote being certified, meaning that marijuana is expected to become legal in the state later this month.
Proposal 3 on voter reforms also passed. Part of the reforms include same-day voter registration, no-reason absentee voting, and provides for auditing of election results.
U.P. wide talent show has the potential for national exposure
November 2, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE – Barb Hampton, who brought the successful “Betsy’s Game Show Extravaganza” to Sault Ste. Marie Rotary Club, is launching another project, “U.P.’s Got Talent.”
This Upper Peninsula-wide talent show will include screening dates Feb. 22-23 and May 3-4 at Bay Mills Casino and a main event on Aug. 10, 2019, at Kewadin’s Dream Makers Theater in Sault Ste. Marie.
“U.P.’s Got Talent” is also partnering with Eagle Radio and Sovereign Communications, and proceeds will benefit the Chippewa County Family Project, which is working to build a foster home for area teenagers.
“The majority of talent will come from the Eastern U.P. as we kick it off for the first time,” Hampton said. “The long-term goal is to hold auditions in Marquette, then alternate the final event back and forth to give the show room to branch out.”
During the first and second rounds, the Bay Mills Casino audience will pick one finalist and judges will choose five more to advance to the main event on Aug. 10. Judges during the main event are talent scouts from Chicago, Nashville and Detroit. The winner will receive $1,500 plus an opportunity to host a Dream Makers Theater production and keep 50 percent of the revenue. The runner-up, and third and fourth-place finishers will receive sponsored prizes. The entry fee to audition is $50 and each act has 90 seconds to perform. The 12 finalists are required to have a $1,000 sponsor and have 120 seconds to wow the judges. The four final acts, including one chosen by the audience, will perform for five minutes each.
Tickets are $20 for auditions and $35 for the main event. Sponsors will receive four free tickets to the main event, radio, print and social media exposure, and a 3x8 banner at the main event. A sponsor whose act wins the grand prize will automatically be listed as the main sponsor for the winner’s concert/show. Hampton wants “U.P.’s Got Talent” to be a family-friendly event while showcasing talent of all ages.
“We’re bringing in people with credentials to watch these acts,” she said. “We hope to give them the opportunity to advance their career. But we hope the big winners are the Chippewa County Family Project and the kids in our community with the greatest need.”
Sault Rotary Club’s game show named in honor of Betsy Demaray has raised $85,000 for local charities and organizations during the past five years. Hampton’s new venture will benefit, the CCFP, which seeks to break ground within a year and build a 5,400-square foot home for teens in the foster care system. The CCFP home will sleep up to six males and six females, house parents and one displaced family of siblings.
Prepare to “fall back” Nov. 4 by checking carbon monoxide detectors
November 2, 2018
LANSING – As we turn back the clocks on Sunday and temperatures continue to fall, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) wants to remind residents to take steps to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
“As temperatures drop, we start getting increased reports about carbon monoxide poisonings,” said Nick Lyon, MDHHS director. “Now is the time for Michigan residents to make sure their heating sources and carbon monoxide detectors are in good working order.”
Each year in Michigan about 29 people die and 145 are hospitalized due to carbon monoxide poisoning. To protect yourself and your family from carbon monoxide, follow these safety tips:
Make sure you have working carbon monoxide detectors. Detectors can be purchased at most hardware stores for $20-50. Daylight Savings Time is a good time each year to replace the batteries and push the “test” button to be sure it’s working properly. Replace detectors every five years or according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Have your furnace or wood-burning stove inspected annually. Hire a professional to make sure it is functionally sound and vents properly outside the home.
Never run a gasoline or propane heater or a grill (gas or charcoal) inside your home or garage. Any heating system that burns fuel produces carbon monoxide. Use a battery-powered detector where you have fuel burning devices but no electric outlets, such as in tents, cabins and RVs.
Generators should be run at a safe distance (at least 20 feet) from the home. Never run a generator in the home or garage, or right next to windows or doors.
Never run a car in an enclosed space. Even with a door or window open, carbon monoxide levels can still build up to an unsafe level.
At high levels, carbon monoxide can cause death within minutes. Symptoms of overexposure to carbon monoxide include headache, fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea and confusion. If you think you may be experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning, or your detector sounds an alarm, go outside immediately for fresh air and call 911.
Visit for more information about carbon monoxide poisoning.
Chippewa County Animal Shelter seeks millage renewal for animal medical care
October 30, 2018
By Jessica Stanaway
SAULT STE. MARIE — Counting on strong community support, the Chippewa County Animal Control Shelter is seeking a millage renewal in the November 6 election so that it can continue its commitment to being a no-kill shelter.
Many county residents may be too young to recall a time when there was no animal shelter. The opening of the new shelter in 2003 was a huge step in insuring that homeless pets get the best possible chance to find a new home.
When the millage proposal was first passed in 2013, the shelter had a “save rate” of 97.3 percent. With a determined staff and much community support, the shelter increased its save rate to 99 percent in 2017.
While the adoption rate of 650 pets is remarkable, another less obvious statistic is the owned pets that were found running loose. Of the 804 animals taken in, 138 were strays who were returned to their owners.
“People recognize that the shelter is the best place for a Good Samaritan to take a found pet and the first place owners should check for a missing pet. The Facebook phenomenon has made reuniting pet and owner much easier,” said Holly Henderson, shelter manager.
“Whether a pet is a stray or has been relinquished by its owner, if it is sick or injured, the funds from the millage make it possible for us to have the pet treated immediately,” Henderson continued.
“We hope that the voters will come out to support this funding. It is such a small amount to the average property owner. The request for .10 mills is only 10 cents for each one thousand dollars of property value. For example, if your property is taxed at $50,000, the additional tax is only $5.00 per year,” added Henderson. “That’s less than one fast food meal.”
“Having been in operation for 15 years, we have shown the voters in Chippewa County that we have made the county shelter a successful and compassionate organization that deserves their financial support. We have the emotional support of the community. Now, we need the funds to continue to do the right thing on behalf of the citizens.”
String Doctors to appear at LSSU
October 25, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — The Arts Center at LSSU welcomes The String Doctors Thursday, Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. Arts Center Director, Spencer Christensen, is excited to kick off Great Lake State Weekend (GLSW) with a Michigan based band. “Start GLSW off right,” said Christensen, “ and a day early! You won’t be disappointed.”
The band has four members: Joe Madus, leads the band on the guitar and mandolin and brings high energy to the stage; Ray Kalamay, also on the guitar, sprinkles in the jokes and lets his voice croon; Peter Knupfer, award winning fiddle player, will have you tapping your feet along with the beat; and Frank Youngman, the newest member of the group, is known for his bass playing in festivals around the United States. Together, these talented performers make up the country swing of The String Doctors.
The band has fans far and wide. One concert-goer, after seeing the band live, remarked “I thought I’d gone to Heaven when Ray Kamalay and Joel Mabus [started] duelling [on] their swing guitars!”
This performance of The String Doctors is supported in part by an award from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the Duncan MacLaren Family Fund for the Performing Arts, and the Fund for LSSU.
Tickets are $23 for adults, $19 for seniors, and $10 for children 17 and under. Wine and beer will be available for purchase. Free parking is available in Lot K, in front of the Arts Center, and Lot E, behind the Cisler Center. The Arts Center is wheelchair accessible. For directions, tickets, and more information please visit or call (906) 635-2787.
Whitmer visits Sault Ste. Marie
October 21, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE – Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan Gubernatorial Candidate, spoke to an overflow audience of more than 150 people at the Chippewa County Democratic Party office in Sault Ste. Marie on Sunday, Oct. 21.
Whitmer, a former Michigan Senate Minority Leader, spoke to the high energy crowd about local topics including the controversial Enbridge Line 5 tunnel deal with the State of Michigan. Gretchen mentioned that she is not in favor of putting the Great Lakes in danger, and is not happy about the current governor negotiating a deal in haste with no public input right before the election.
“Chippewa County Democrats are incredibly energized for the election on November 6,” said Allison Youngs, Chair of the Chippewa County Democratic Party. “Our party has been canvassing the county for our Democratic candidates. Constituents we have spoken with are very excited for our entire Democratic slate this campaign season.”
Whitmer also answered questions from constituents relating to right to work, state of Michigan employee issues and morale. With no straight ticket voting she also discussed the importance of voting down-ballot for Democratic Party endorsed candidates including Debbie Stabenow for US Senate, Dana Nessel for Attorney General, Jocelyn Benson for Secretary of State, and the Michigan Supreme Court candidates Sam Bagenstos and Megan Kathleen Cavanagh.
Other local candidates in attendance included Matt Morgan for US Congress, Jim Page for Michigan Senate, and Joanne Galloway for Michigan House of Representatives.
The Chippewa County Democratic Party campaign season is well underway at their office at 224 Ashmun Street in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.
For those interested in volunteering time to knock on doors or make phone calls, please contact Allison Youngs at or 906-440-6124.
Amateur rock hound eyes yooperlite career potential
October 20, 2018
Capital News Service
LANSING — Michigan native Erik Rintamaki discovered a glowing rock on the shores of Lake Superior — and a new career path.
Erik Rintamaki hosting a yooperlite night pick tour in September. Credit: Shirley Klemmer
The Upper Peninsula resident found the luminescent stone in June 2017. He called the stone the “yooperlite.”
He doesn’t claim to be the first person to have found it on the beaches, but he is the first to get the stone verified by a lab at Michigan Technological University. Read More
VA schedules flu shot clinics for veterans
October 19, 2018
IRON MOUNTAIN – Flu vaccinations are now available for Veterans enrolled in VA health care. Veterans may request the flu shot at their regularly scheduled VA appointments.
Veterans may also get vaccinated during free walk-in flu shot clinics at Sault Ste. Marie VA Clinic on Wednesdays October 31 and November 7, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. each day. No appointment is necessary. The clinic is located at 509 Osborn Blvd, Suite 306. Veterans may call (800) 215-8262, extension 34758, for updated VA Flu Shot Clinics in the Upper Peninsula and northeast Wisconsin.
“Some people are worried that getting the flu shot will give them the flu, but that is a myth since flu shots either contain inactivated flu viruses or no viruses at all,” said Ann Mattson, RN, Infection Control Nurse at the Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center in Iron Mountain.
Another misconception is that the flu shot prevents the stomach flu.
“The flu is a respiratory disease, not a stomach or intestinal ailment, therefore the flu shot is not going to prevent what many call the ‘stomach flu,’” added Mattson.
The VA has also partnered with Walgreens to provide flu shots to enrolled Veterans without filling out VA forms or carrying paper records. Veterans can simply go to their local Walgreens, tell the pharmacist they receive care at a VA facility, and show their Veterans Identification Card or other proof they are enrolled in the VA health care system. The immunization record will be updated electronically in the Veteran’s VA medical record.
LSSU awarded arts grant
October 15, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — Lake Superior State University has been named a recipient of the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs grant. The Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs looks to “encourage, initiate, and facilitate an enriched artistic, cultural and creative environment in Michigan.”
The Arts Center at LSSU received a Project Support Grant that will help support the upcoming concert season. In total, there are seven concerts planned for the 2018-2019 season, as well as Educational Outreach Programming, LSSU Student Theatre Productions, a special production of Hamlet by Actors from the London Stage, and much more. To reserve tickets, please visit or call 906-635-2787.
“The Arts Center at Lake Superior State University is honored and thankful to be one of four entities receiving MCACA awards in Chippewa County,” stated Spencer Christensen, LSSU Arts Center director and assistant professor of theatre. “Through support from organizations such as the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the Arts Center at LSSU is able to fulfill our mission of inspiring human connection.”
“This grant recognizes the dual role that the Arts Center plays in our region,” added Dr. Donna Fiebelkorn, dean of the College of Education and Liberal Arts at LSSU, “It will provide access to rich and meaningful cultural events for the community, as well as enhancing the educational opportunities for our students.”
Sierra Club announces program
October 11, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — "Politics of the environment," sponsored by the Three Lakes Group of the Sierra Club, will be held on Wednesday, October 17th in Crawford Hall Room 207 on the campus of Lake Superior State University at 6:30 p.m.
Find out what the Michigan legislature has been up to in regard to environmental issues, how your lawmakers vote when it comes to protecting the environment, who the Sierra Club has endorsed in your area, and what impact the 2018 election will have on clean air, water, energy and natural resources.
A presentation will be made by Sierra Club Michigan Chapter's Political Chair Richard Barron and Political Director Mike Berkowitz and Political Organizer Sarah Tresedder.
Soo Locks bill awaits signature, funding
October 10, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — Earlier today, the U.S. Senate passed the America’s Water Infrastructure Act, which includes a provision to build a new Soo Lock. The next step for the bill is the president's signature. Once signed, the law aims to:
Ensure that America maintains the competitiveness of our coastal and inland ports, and maintain the navigability of our inland waterways;
Create a new framework to allow for more Army Corps projects to be budgeted with increased local stakeholder input and expanded transparency;
Beneficial use of dredged material - increases the number of authorized pilot projects from 10 to 20;
Authorize or reauthorize important water infrastructure programs and projects;
Include billions of dollars in deauthorizations – making the legislation fiscally responsible;
Authorize federal funding for water infrastructure projects, which leverages billions in water infrastructure spending;
Reduce flooding risks for rural, western, and coastal communities.
But a passage doesn't guarantee the new lock will be funded. Appropriations must still be made for construction. As has been a major hurdle in the past, money must still be allocated before the project can move forward.
Bayliss Library announces upcoming program
October 4, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE -- On Thursday, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m., Bayliss Public Library will host a program combining poetry and music. There is an ancient tradition of poetry not only being read, but being set to music and sung. Jennifer Burd, teacher, editor, and poet, joins Laszlo Slomovits, songwriter, composer and singer, to present a program of poetry read and sung.
The poems will range from the transcendent, spiritual lyrics of the 12th and 13th century Sufi mystics, Rumi and Hafiz, to the poems of the American greats, Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson, to contemporary poets Naomi Shihab Nye, Daniel Gerber, and Linda Nemec Foster.
Special features of the event will be Jennifer’s lyric poetry set to music by Laszlo, as well as a reading of Jennifer’s haiku accompanied by Laszlo’s flute playing. With dynamic readings, gorgeous melodies, and lively rhythms, the poems dance off the page, as Jennifer and Laszlo bring the magic of live reading and music to timeless lyrics.
Laszlo Slomovits is one of the twin brothers in Ann Arbor’s nationally-known children’s folk music duo, Gemini. His most recent work is Receiving the Shore, a book/CD collaboration with Jennifer Burd. Jennifer is the author of two books of poems, Body and Echo and Day’s Late Blue, as well as a book of nonfiction, Daily Bread: A Portrait of Homeless Men & Women of Lenawee County, Michigan.
The event is free and open to the public. Bayliss Public Library, a Superior District Library, is located at 541 Library Drive in Sault Ste. Marie. For more information, call 906-632-9331 or check or Facebook.
Tribe responds to Enbridge deal
October 3, 2018
BAY MILLS — Earlier today, the State of Michigan announced they will permit Enbridge to construct a tunnel under the bedrock of the Straits of Mackinac. The tunnel will then house the pipelines that are currently running under the Straits. You can read the full agreement here.
In response, representatives from Bay Mills Indian Community released the following statement:
Bay Mills Indian Community is frustrated that the State of Michigan has cut yet another sweetheart agreement with Enbridge to keep Canadian oil flowing beneath Michigan’s waters.
This new agreement allows Enbridge to keep the oil flowing beneath the Straits of Mackinac “for as long as the Line 5 Straits Replacement Segment shall be in operation by Enbridge.” In other words, Michigan has agreed that Enbridge can operate its oil pipeline beneath the Great Lakes as long as it pleases.
The State of Michigan formed this long-term partnership with Enbridge without any meaningful engagement with Michigan’s 12 federally recognized tribes, and without any regard to the impact of this agreement on the treaty-protected fishing rights and religious beliefs of Native Americans across the State. In addition, Michigan made the decision to authorize a permanent Canadian oil pipeline beneath Michigan’s waters while Enbridge is actively seeking permits from state and federal agencies related to the Line 5 Pipeline.
Enbridge is responsible for the worst oil spill in Michigan’s history. It has proven that it cannot be trusted to protect our shared natural resources. Bay Mills has a 30-year history of working with the State to protect those resources. Despite that history, Michigan has chosen to partner with Enbridge to manage our shared natural resources.
The State’s new partnership with Enbridge puts Bay Mills Indian Community’s treaty rights at risk, and jeopardizes our Great Lakes for generations to come. Bay Mills’ Executive Council is prepared to use every available means to protect the rights of tribal members, and to protect the well-being of all residents of northern Michigan.
BMIC has a new cardboard compactor available for community use
October 2, 2018
BAY MILLS — Have you heard the news? Recycling cardboard just got a whole lot easier!
Bay Mills Maintenance Department is now accepting all corrugated cardboard from both tribal and non-tribal folks free of charge!
You can feel twice as good about recycling with Bay Mills because your cardboard supports other maintenance and waste management efforts at BMIC.
Drop off your cardboard in the white garage behind the BMIC trash compactor. Open same hours as the trash compactor. For more information contact 906-248-8154.
Michigan's unclaimed property website now open for business
Oct.1, 2018
LANSING — Claiming lost or abandoned property in Michigan is as easy as a few clicks of a mouse with Michigan Unclaimed Property’s new, state-of-the-art website, according to the Michigan Department of Treasury.
Individual and business claimants now have access to enhanced search options, the ability to easily check on previously-filed claims, and to file new claims and verifying documentation electronically, uploading it directly to Michigan Unclaimed Property. Previously, claimants had to file paper claims and documentation through the U.S. Postal Service.
“The new website is a significant upgrade to the property claimant’s experience,” said Deputy State Treasurer Ann Good, who oversees Treasury’s Financial and Administrative Service programs. “This is a major step forward in Treasury’s effort to go paperless while offering streamlined and efficient services to taxpayers.”
Michigan Unclaimed Property has returned $400 million to rightful owners or their heirs over the last four years, including more than $90 million the last 12 months.
In addition to an enhanced claims process, the new Michigan Unclaimed Property website provides holders of unclaimed property with the ability to file reports and make payments to the state Treasury Department electronically.
The Michigan Unclaimed Property website continues to be available at Claimants may also call Michigan Unclaimed Property at (517) 636-5320, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on weekdays.
Appointments made to Mackinac Bridge Authority
Sept. 30, 2018
LANSING – Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointments of Mike Zimmer of Dimondale and Kirk Steudle of South Lyon to the Mackinac Bridge Authority.
Established in 1950, the seven-member authority authorizes use of legal and financial services necessary to manage and finance bridge maintenance and repair projects.
Zimmer currently serves as cabinet director for the Executive Office of Governor Rick Snyder. Previously, he worked as the director of the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. Zimmer earned his bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University and his law degree from George Washington University. He will represent Republicans and replace Daniel Musser III.
Steudle is the director of the Michigan Department of Transportation, a position he has held since 2006, and from which he is retiring on Oct. 31. He earned a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Lawrence Technological University. He will represent Republicans and replace William Gnodtke.
Zimmer will serve a six-year term expiring June 30, 2024, and Steudle will serve a six-year term beginning Nov. 1, 2018 and expiring June 30, 2024. Their appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
IBA announces changes to toll
Sept. 29, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — International Bridge customers paying Canadian currency will see the toll rate adjusted due to the current value of the Canadian dollar.
The changes, effective Monday, Oct. 1, are a result of the mandated exchange review conducted by bridge officials twice each year. The U.S. fare will remain unchanged at $3.50.
Starting Oct. 1, the passenger vehicle rate for Canadian currency will change from $4.40 to $4.50.
The three-tiered U.S. commuter rates are unchanged at $2.45, $2.80, and $3.15. Canadian currency commuter rates will be $4.05, $3.60, and $3.15.
The International Bridge Authority's (IBA) Prox card commuter discount program is based on the number of one-way crossings on each account. Customers with Prox commuter accounts have online access and payment options, while receiving discounts up to 30 percent off the regular cash rate. Discounts are based on the number of crossings in the previous 30 days. Commuter account balances do not expire.
"Since 2002, to maintain compliance with the bridge authority's Canada/U.S. operating agreement, the rates are reviewed each April and October," said Peter Petainen, IBA general manager. "This is a mandatory adjustment due to changes in the value between the U.S. and Canadian dollars."
Road projects to get under way immediately as labor impasse is resolved
Sept. 28, 2018
LANSING — Gov. Rick Snyder today announced that work will begin on Michigan’s road projects immediately now that the contractors’ association and operating engineers’ union agreed to continue working without a contract through the 2018 construction season.
“This is great news and I appreciate that both sides were able to see how important the work they do is to the safety and quality of life for all Michiganders,” Snyder said. “The vital work of getting Michigan’s roads repaired should not have stalled, but the important thing now is that projects will be getting back on track. A long-term solution to the contract negotiations still needs to be worked out, but that can and should be done after this construction season is completed.”
The Governor’s meeting with the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association and Operating Engineers 324 earlier this week brought the two sides together and provided the catalyst for a short-term solution. Snyder and his team continued the outreach to both organizations and worked out the agreement reached today between MITA and OE324.
The details of the agreement include:
MITA will end the lockout on all projects
The Operating Engineers will have their workers report to work immediately
The priority for work will be for projects that can be completed prior to significant winter weather arriving
Other projects will continue for as long as possible, including work to prepare them for safe winter travel if they cannot be completed
Contractors and OE324 will use professional mediation through the winter to help them with negotiations for a new contract
MDOT will continue to review contract provisions related to completion dates, extensions for work, and possible financial penalties on a project-by-project basis, as is the standard procedure. The Governor also has directed the department to carefully monitor all projects and ensure a high level of quality is maintained despite an accelerated pace of work.
Fatal crash claims one
Sept. 25, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — The Chippewa County Sheriff's Office responded to a fatal traffic a crash on Monday afternoon, Sept. 24.
At approximately 1:10 p.m. officers were called to the intersection of Riverside Drive and 7 Mile Road in Bruce Township. Preliminary investigation and evidence at the scene indicates a vehicle driven by 53-year-old Kirk Lee Mortinsen, of Sault Ste. Marie, suffered a catastrophic brake failure at the intersection.
Mortinsen was traveling east on 7 Mile Road when the vehicle's brakes failed, so he was unable to stop at the stop sign. He was subsequently struck by the southbound vehicle traveling on Riverside Drive.
Both drivers were treated at the hospital for their injuries. Tuesday, September 25, Mortinsen died from his injuries. The other driver was treated and released.
The Chippewa County Sheriff's Office was assisted by the Michigan State Police St. Ignace Post, Sault Fire, and Chippewa County Central Dispatch.
The investigation remains open as additional information is being collected
Sea lamprey control planned
Sept. 20, 2018
CHIPPEWA COUNTY— U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Fisheries and Oceans Canada personnel will apply lampricides to Carlton Creek (Chippewa County) to kill sea lamprey larvae burrowed in the stream bottom. Applications will be conducted on or about Sept. 24 to Oct. 5 in accordance with State of Michigan permits. Applications will be complete in about five days. Application dates are tentative and may be changed based upon local weather or stream conditions near the time of treatment.
Sea lamprey larvae live in certain Great Lakes tributaries and transform to parasitic adults that migrate to the Great Lakes and kill fish. Failure to kill the larvae in streams would result in significant damage to the Great Lakes fishery. Infested tributaries must be treated every three to five years with lampricides to control sea lamprey populations.
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency have reviewed human health and environmental safety data for lampricides, and in 2003 concluded that the lampricides (Lampricid and Bayluscide) pose no unreasonable risk to the general population and the environment when applied at concentrations necessary to control larval sea lampreys. However, as with any pesticide, the public is advised to use discretion and minimize unnecessary exposure. Lampricides are selectively toxic to sea lampreys, but a few fish, insect, and broadleaf plants are sensitive. Persons confining bait fish or other organisms in stream water are advised to use an alternate water source because lampricides may cause mortality among aquatic organismsstressed by crowding and handling. Agricultural irrigation must be suspended for 24 hours, during and following treatment.
Extensive preparations are required for a safe and effective stream treatment. Prior to treatment, personnel collect data on stream water chemistry and discharge. In addition, they may conduct on-site toxicity tests with lampricides and stream flow studies with dyes that cause stream water to appear red or green.
Lampricides are carefully metered into the stream for approximately 12 hours, and continually analyzed at predetermined sites to assure that proper concentrations are maintained as the lampricides are carried downstream. Applicators are trained and are certified by Michigan regulatory agencies for aquatic applications of pesticides.
The program is contracted through the Great Lakes Fishery Commission to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The Commission initiated chemical control of sea lampreys in 1958. Since that time the highly successful program has contributed significantly to the maintenance of the $7 billion Great Lakes sport and commercial fisheries.
The Commission is committed to delivering a sea lamprey control program that practices good environmental stewardship. To support the continued safe use of lampricides the Commission recently conducted a series of studies at a total cost of $6 million to assess the effects of the lampricides on human health and the environment. In addition to these studies the Commission has implemented aresearch program to develop alternative control techniques. The Commission also is developing a strategy to increase the number of barriers on lamprey-producing streams, and is conducting research into barrier design, traps, attractants, and biological controls.
For additional information in the U.S. call 1-800-472-9212 and in Canada call 1-800-553-9091. TTY users may reach the Marquette or Ludington Biological Stations through the Michigan State Relay Service at 1-800-649-3777.
Sheriff's Dept. on the hunt for suspect
Sept. 18, 2018
CHIPPEWA COUNTY — Within the last month the Chippewa Co. Sheriff’s Office investigated breaking and entering complaints from several local churches in Brimley and Rudyard.
It was found that the suspects not only broke into the churches causing damage, but also managed to get away with a large sum of money.
During the investigation two suspects were identified. The first suspect, Mackenzie Edward Webb, 19, is already in custody and being held in Mackinac County on similar charges. A hold has been placed on him and he will eventually be brought to Chippewa County to face these charges.
A second suspect was also identified. We are asking the public’s help to locate:
Ellsworth is a white male, 5' 10" approximately 175 lbs with strawberry Blonde hair and blue eyes. See attached photo of Ellsworth.
Ellsworth currently has multiple outstanding warrants for arrest.
These two suspects have been connected to a string of break-ins all across the EUP.
Any information on the whereabouts of Ellsworth please contact the Chippewa Co. Sheriff’s Office, by phone, Facebook, or the Chippewa County Sheriffs App.
MSP to hold recruiting seminar
Sept. 17, 2018
LANSING — The Michigan State Police (MSP) will host a Women’s Recruiting Seminar on Saturday, Oct. 13, 2018 at Schoolcraft College VisTaTech Center, Kehrl Auditorium, at 18600 Haggerty Road in Livonia from 10 a.m. until noon. Attendees are asked to arrive by 9:45 a.m.
Recognizing the importance of a diverse workforce, the MSP is committed to reflecting the communities it serves. This free seminar will explain the variety of career opportunities available. Female troopers, supervisors and command officers will provide insight and answer questions on recruit training, the lifestyle of a trooper and positions available.
The minimum requirements for consideration of employment are as follows:
Applicants must be at least 21 years of age, of good moral character and have no felony convictions.
Must be a U.S. citizen and a Michigan resident at the time of appointment to the academy.
Applicants must possess a high school diploma or GED.
Applicants must have a good driving record and stable credit history is required.
The starting salary at the beginning of recruit school is $44,000 annually with a $7,800 raise upon completion of one year.
To attend the seminar, RSVP to Tpr. Kellie Shaffer at Attire for this event is business casual.
Superior Township on Boil Water Advisory
Sept. 13, 2018
BRIMLEY — Residents who are serviced by the Superior Township Water Dept. are being advised to boil their water for the next week. Recent tests indicate the presence of e.coli in the system.
Technicians are adding chlorine to the system and expect the problem to be taken care of by Sept. 20.
Please note the Brimley system and the Bay Mills system are separate entities. Bay Mills Indian Community residents on the tribe's system do not have to boil their water. The Bay Mills Indian Community water system serves the entire reservation and is tested daily.
Brimley Area Schools has taken precautions by wrapping up the water fountains and utilizing bottled water at this time.
You can read the full notice here.
MI Student Aid providing free college financial aid counseling across the Upper Peninsula
Sept. 13, 2018
Michigan families and students looking for help paying for college should save the date for one of MI Student Aid’s financial aid traveling one-stop shops visiting the Upper Peninsula this month, according to the Michigan Department of Treasury (Treasury).
MI Student Aid’s Outreach Team is visiting communities across the Upper Peninsula to educate and inform students and their families about options for paying for college. At each location, team members will provide assistance with scholarship searches, college financing strategies and state program eligibility look-ups, as well a resource table with financial aid materials.
These programs are FREE and open to the public.
“Identifying ways to pay for college can be overwhelming,” said acting Deputy State Treasurer Anne Wohlfert, who oversees Treasury’s student finance programs. “Students and families are often confused as to where they can access resources. As the state’s go-to resource for college financial aid information, we will have staff available at these events to answer questions and provide guidance about paying for college.”
Local students can get assistance on Sept. 20:
Lake Superior State University College Fair
Norris Center Ice Arena
650 W. Easterday Ave.
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
Sept. 20, 2018
6-7:30 p.m. EDT
For more information, go to or connect with MI Student Aid @mistudentaid on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.
Soo Film Festival kicks off this week
Sept. 10, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — Soo Film Festival announces its line-up of narrative and documentary features and shorts, music videos, and animation for 2018. The festival places an emphasis on Great Lakes films and filmmakers, but entry was open worldwide.
Festival programming will feature international submissions from nineteen countries. Soo Film Festival is Sept. 12 to 16 in downtown Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan at the historic Soo Theatre and at Bayliss Public Library, a Superior District Library. Featured selections will screen at the library Sept. 12 and 13.
“We are very excited to be celebrating our fifth anniversary in downtown Sault Ste. Marie this year and looking forward to seeing everyone and showing them the talent the Great Lakes has to offer," said Festival President Jason Markstrom.
A full list of the movies and a tentative schedule are available on the festival website,
Oswald's Bear Ranch to take on PETA
Sept. 9, 2018
NEWBERRY — Oswald’s Bear Ranch is now seeking legal action in Lansing to stop claims of abuse being made by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
According to the ranch, on Sept. 5, a U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Veterinary Inspector cleared the 240 acres rescue facility of any such claims of abuse.
In PETA's latest action, the group displayed a mobile billboard of a caged bear throughout the eastern U.P. during the Labor Day Weekend that was not a picture of Oswald’s bear. Bears at the ranch are not caged.
The State of Michigan passed Public Act 8 of 2013 to allow public contact with Oswald’s bear cubs for the educational purpose of interacting with cubs while having a picture taken. The cubs must be no more than 36 weeks of age and under 90 pounds.
"PETA’s false prediction that this cub interaction would cause musculoskeletal damage and cognitive development impairment has not occurred in any of the ranch’s bears," said the ranch in a statement.
PETA has shown no sign of backing down and stated they "look forward to setting the record straight in court and in the court of public opinion."
Oswald opened the ranch in 1984. They are accredited by the Zoological Association of America, the ranch is unique as it is only a home to bears, which freely roam throughout the fenced property.
Firefighting chemical linked to water safety concerns
Sept. 6, 2018
By JEREMY WAHR/Capital News Service
LANSING — A firefighting foam has been linked to a group of chemicals known to be harmful to infants, toddlers and pregnant women. But it is still kept on hand because firefighters say they don’t have effective alternatives.
Detection of the chemicals, known as PFAS, has led to the creation of the Michigan PFAS Action Response Team, a multi-agency organization dedicated to understanding the far-reaching effects of the chemical and educating the public on the threat it poses.
“It’s reason for concern because it’s an issue of public health,” said Katie Parrish, communications director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. Read More
Eight cases of West Nile virus have been confirmed
Sept. 2, 2018
LANSING — The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has confirmed eight human cases of West Nile virus (WNV) for 2018. Eight cases of WNV have been confirmed; one resident of Berrien County, one resident of Kent County, one resident of Oakland County, and five residents of Wayne County including one death. All but one have been hospitalized with neurologic disease. In addition to the eight human cases, three Michigan blood donors have had WNV detected in their blood.
Surveillance for mosquito-borne diseases is being conducted by several agencies, including the MDHHS, the Departments of Natural Resources and Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) and local health departments. In 2018, WNV activity appears to be statewide in Michigan.
To date, 66 birds have tested positive for WNV from 21 of Michigan’s 83 counties. In addition, 74 WNV positive mosquito pools have been detected in eight Michigan counties. Finding infected birds, animals, and mosquitoes in a community is an indication of risk for human infection.
Most people who become infected with WNV will not develop any symptoms of illness. However, some become sick three to 15 days after exposure. About one-in-five infected persons will have mild illness with fever, and about one in 150 infected people will become severely ill.
Mild illness may include headache, body aches, joint pain, vomiting diarrhea, or rash. Severe symptoms of WNV are associated with encephalitis or meningitis, and may include: stiff neck, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, muscle weakness, convulsions and paralysis. People 60 and older are more susceptible to these severe symptoms.
Residents can stay healthy by using simple, effective strategies to protect themselves and their families. The following steps are recommended to avoid WNV and other mosquito-borne diseases:
Maintain window and door screening to help keep mosquitoes outside.
Empty water from mosquito breeding sites around the home, such as buckets, unused kiddie pools, old tires or similar sites where mosquitoes lay eggs.
Use nets and/or fans over outdoor eating areas.
Apply insect repellents that contain the active ingredient DEET, or other EPA approved product to exposed skin or clothing, and always following the manufacturer’s directions for use.
Wear light colored, long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors. Apply insect repellent to clothing to help prevent bites.
For more information and surveillance activity about West Nile virus and other mosquito-borne viruses, visit
Meeting notice
Aug. 28, 2018
BAY MILLS — Bay Mills Community College has applied for the 2018 U.S.D.A. Community Facilities grant program. Funds from the grant will be used to purchase furniture and equipment for the Administration/Classroom facility currently under construction and to repair and update existing facilities. A public meeting will be held on Sept. 7 to discuss the proposed expenditure of the funds. The meeting will take place at the President's office in the top floor of the new administration building.
Michigan State University Extension names Carter as District 2 coordinator
Aug. 28, 2018
EAST LANSING – Michigan State University Extension has named Erin Carter as the organization’s District 2 coordinator, effective Aug. 1. District 2 is made up of Alger, Chippewa, Luce, Mackinac, Marquette and Schoolcraft counties.
Carter will work with local governments, nonprofits, school systems and neighborhood groups to help identify community challenges and to propose and implement successful solutions to them. She will also mentor MSU Extension staff members under her leadership in program planning, delivery and evaluation, as well as professional development.
Carter has spent her career serving in health and development positions in the Upper Peninsula. Carter worked in youth development programs for the BHK Child Development Board based in Houghton for more than 10 years, rising from wellness coordinator, to assistant director, to site director, to regional director. She also worked as a health educator with the Western Upper Peninsula Health Department before she joined MSU Extension as a health and nutrition educator in 2015.
Carter received both her bachelor’s in health and fitness management and her master’s degree in exercise science with emphasis on health education and promotion from Northern Michigan University. She replaces Paul Putnam who served as the interim district coordinator after the former coordinator, Jim Lucas, retired in 2017.
For more information on MSU Extension in your area, visit
Crews to survey for lamprey in early September
Aug. 26, 2018
CHIPPEWA COUNTY — The continuing battle against sea lampreys soon will come to locations in the local area. A (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada) assessment crew will conduct work on Caribou and Albany Creeks, located in Chippewa County, Michigan during Sept. 4 to 13 to estimate the abundance of lampreys in the river. The information gathered will be used to determine the need for sea lamprey control. Read More
Chippewa County Fair events announced
Aug. 25, 2018
KINROSS— The county fair opens on Aug. 26 at the Chippewa County Fairgrounds. You can check out the full schedule of events here.
The carnival will open on Wednesday.
TIP eligible students face Aug. 31 deadline
Aug. 20, 2018
LANSING – Time is running out for eligible individuals from the Class of 2018 who have graduated with a high school diploma or equivalent to claim their Tuition Incentive Program benefits, according to the Michigan Department of Treasury.
The grant program – commonly referred to as TIP – encourages eligible Medicaid recipients to complete high school by providing college tuition assistance. Eligible TIP students have four years from graduation to begin using their TIP benefits.
The application deadline is August 31 for eligible students to apply for TIP, a program administered by the Michigan Department of Treasury’s Student Financial Services Bureau. TIP covers 24 credit hours of tuition per academic year for a total of 80 overall credits at participating Michigan community colleges. TIP covers the in-district tuition rate at 4-year public colleges and universities and students attending 4-year degree-granting non-publics are eligible for $110 per credit hour in 2018-19.
In addition to tuition assistance, TIP also covers up to $250 in mandatory fees each semester.
To qualify, students must have been on Michigan Medicaid for 24 months within a 36-consecutive month period between age nine and high school graduation.
Students may complete the TIP application in the MiSSG Student Portal at or by calling 888-447-2687.
TIP can also assist students who go on to four-year colleges or universities. After they earn at least a one-year certificate, an associate degree or 56 transferable credits, students are eligible to receive up to $500 per semester or $400 per term at participating four-year institutions in Michigan.
TIP is just one service offered by the Student Financial Services Bureau, which encourages students to pursue postsecondary education by providing equality of access to student financial resources and information.
To learn more about TIP or to claim TIP benefits, got to contact MI Student Aid at or 1-888-447-2687. You can also follow us @mistudentaid on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat.
Aug.17, 2018
Chairman provides update regarding Vanderbilt litigation
Aug. 16, 2018
BAY MILLS — On Tuesday, Aug. 21, Bay Mills heads to court once again regarding the case for the Vanderbilt property.
The State of Michigan has asked for a summary judgement in the case. Bay Mills Executive Council members will be attending the hearing.
M-28, M-123 resurfacing begins in Chippewa County
Aug. 14, 2018
CHIPPEWA COUNTY — The Michigan Dept. of Transportation is investing about $3.5 million to mill and resurface six miles of M- 28 from M-123 to Dick Road and 12 miles of M-123 from north of H-40 to M-28 in Chippewa County. The work includes shoulder reconstruction, upgrading concrete sidewalk ramps to Americans with Disabilities Act standards, and pavement markings. The project is covered by a three-year pavement warranty.
Here you can view the project map:
Traffic will be maintained in alternating directions under flag control. A 10-foot lane width restriction will be in effect for this project until Oct. 15.
Sales tax to be collected from out-of-state online retailers
Aug. 13, 2018
LANSING — Following a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, State Treasurer Nick Khouri announced a change to the state’s sales tax administration that will require many mail order and online retailers located outside of Michigan to pay the 6 percent sales tax on taxable sales into this state.
“This is an important step forward in the fair administration of our tax system,” Khouri said. “With more and more shopping being done online, this change will make sure both hometown businesses and out-of-state online retailers are treated equally.”
Shoppers were previously required to track and annually self-report uncollected taxes from mail order and online retailers physically located outside of Michigan. Today’s announcement allows for the more efficient collection of the sales tax by collecting from businesses rather than individuals.
In June, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a more than 30-year precedent in South Dakota v. Wayfair, allowing the Michigan Department of Treasury to collect sales tax from retailers physically located outside the state if the retailer exceeds $100,000 in sales or 200 or more transactions in Michigan within the previous calendar year.
Under the state Treasury Department’s new administrative requirement, all applicable mail order and online retailers physically located outside of Michigan must pay state sales tax and file tax returns for taxable sales made after Sept. 30, 2018.
“We will be working closely with our retail and business partners to ensure a smooth transition to the new rule,” Khouri said.
The state Treasury Department estimates more than $200 million in additional state revenues will be collected annually under the new sales tax rule.
Individuals and businesses can learn more about Michigan’s sales tax requirements at Additional information will be posted as it becomes available on the website.
Election results are in
Aug. 8, 2018
Election results are in for the Aug. 7 election.
Democrat Gretchen Whitmer will take on Republican challenger Bill Schuette for the governor's seat.
Democratic Results: (89 percent of precincts reporting)
51.7% Gretchen Whitmer 523,880
31.3% Abdul El-Sayed 317,480
16.9% Shri Thanedar 171,619
Republican Results:
50.9% Bill Schuette 460,886
25% Brian Calley 226,260
13.1% Patrick Colbeck 118,681
11.1% Jim Hines 100,340
In the Democratic race for U.S. Senate, Sen. Debbie Stabenow ran unopposed. In November she will face off with Republican John James, who garnered 55 percent of the Republican Party votes.
In the race for the 107th District seat, incumbent Lee Chatfield will face off with Democrat Joanne Galloway.
The results from that race are as follows:
Representative in State Legislature 107th District - Republican
Lee Chatfield (R)10,284
Bruce Newville (R) 2,060
Representative in State Legislature 107th District - Democratic
Joanne Galloway (D) 6,622
Kurt Perron (D)1,218
In local races, the following results have been received:
Chippewa County - Ambulance/Fire Millage
Yes 4,632
No 1,003
Chippewa County - Recycling Program Millage
Yes 4,429
No 1,212
Chippewa County - Pickford Schools Operating Millage
Yes 412
No 135
Chippewa County - 5th District Co Comm - Republican
Robert Savoie (R) 655
Raymond Johnson (R) 253
Chippewa County - Bruce Twp. Road Millage
Yes 330
No 101
Chippewa County - Drummond Twp. Operating Millage
Yes 222
No 59
Chippewa County - Hulbert Twp Fire Millage
Yes 48
No 4
Chippewa County - Kinross Twp Parks/Rec Millage
Yes 385
No 199
Chippewa County - Kinross Twp Road Millage
Yes 435
No 147
A look at some interesting bills that have been introduced
Aug. 5, 2018
LANSING — The Legislature remains on a summer campaign break with no sessions scheduled until after the Aug. 7 primary election. Rather than votes this report contains some interesting or noteworthy recent bill introductions.
Senate Bill 1051: Require governor create annual state “strategic plan”
Introduced by Sen. Dave Hildenbrand (R), to require the governor to submit an annual “strategic plan” for the state alongside the annual executive budget recommendation. This would have to include, “the mission, vision, goals, strategies, and performance measures for each state department, including measures of the department's inputs, outputs, and output measures.” Referred to committee, no further action at this time.
Senate Bill 1056: Accommodate “genetic material for use in posthumous conception” in wills
Introduced by Sen. Judy Emmons (R), to revise the law governing wills and estates to accommodate and create rules for when a decedent leaves behind “genetic material for use in posthumous conception,” or when there is “an individual in gestation at a decedent's death” who may have a claim on the estate. Referred to committee, no further action at this time.
House Bill 6012: Authorize multi-state traffic ticket reciprocity
Introduced by Rep. Steven Johnson (R), to require the Secretary of State to suspend the license of a Michigan driver if notified by another state that the individual got a ticket and failed to pay it, or didn’t show up in court. Also, to notify other states if one of their residents does the same here. Referred to committee, no further action at this time.
House Bill 6020: Repeal crime of having sex without disclosing HIV
Introduced by Rep. Jon Hoadley (D), to repeal a law that makes it a crime for a person who knows that he or she has an HIV infection to have sex with another person without disclosing this. Under the bill this would be a crime only if done with the intention of infecting the other person. Referred to committee, no further action at this time.
House Bill 6026: Establish forensic laboratories oversight regime
Introduced by Rep. Tom Barrett (R), to mandate that forensic laboratories obtain a professional accreditation, and create a state forensic science commission to regulate forensic laboratories, investigate claims of negligence and nonperformance, and make recommendations to the legislature. Referred to committee, no further action at this time.
House Bill 6030: Restrict declawing cats
Introduced by Rep. Yousef Rabhi (D), to mandate that veterinarians performing onychectomy and flexor tendonectomy procedures on cats and other animals provide the owner with informational materials that the Department of Health and Human Services would be required to make available. Referred to committee, no further action at this time.
House Bill 6031: Ban debarking dogs
Introduced by Rep. Tim Sneller (D), to prohibit performing a “devocalization” procedure on an animal, such as debarking a dog, except for therapeutic reasons related to the dog’s health (versus an owners convenience), with penalties of up to 93 days in jail for a single offense. Referred to committee, no further action at this time.
Sheriff's Dept. apprehends parole absconder
Aug. 1, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — On July 10, the Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office received an anonymous tip that was submitted through the Chippewa County Sheriff’s APP. The tip stated that “Lee” Carter was living on Sugar Island in Chippewa County in a 5th wheel RV and was a parole absconder from North Carolina. Lee was on the Island with his wife “Marie Carter” and her two daughters and operating a local business.
An investigation was initiated by Chippewa County Detectives and valid felony warrants were located for Roger “Lee” Carter II out of North Carolina and Indiana. Detectives also learned that “Marie Carter” was actually Dana Upright Royal.
On July 18, Chippewa County Detectives learned of a case from the Hamburg Township Police Department, in Livingston County. Hamburg Township PD took a report on July 5 that tied Roger “Lee” Carter and Dana Upright Royal to the theft of a 2012 Motorhome valued at $60,000. It was also reported to Hamburg Township PD that Roger and Dana were using a fake business front of
On July 19, Chippewa County Detectives found that the 5th Wheel RV on Sugar Island was also stolen by conversion from a couple out of Kentucky. A Search Warrant was executed at the Sugar Island property and the 5th Wheel RV (Valued at more than $60,000) was recovered.
During the course of the investigation it was learned that Roger “Lee” Carter and Dana Upright Royal fled the Chippewa County area.
On July 26, Chippewa County Detectives learned of the suspects current location. The Chippewa Co Sheriff’s Office then contacted the Michigan State Police Tri-City Post who were able to locate and arrest both suspects.
Roger “Lee” Carter was transported back to Chippewa County where he was lodged on the charge of Larceny by Conversion $20,000 or more. Roger was arraigned in the 91st District Court in Chippewa County and is being held on a $5,000 bond and is being held on the warrants out of North Carolina. Dana Upright Royal was lodged in Bay County on an outstanding felony warrant for fraud.
On July 30, Chippewa County Sheriff’s Detectives gained information on the whereabouts of the stolen 2012 Motorhome. A Deputy Sheriff in lower Michigan was able to locate and recover that Motorhome.
The Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office would also like to thank the MSP Sault Post, MSP Tri-City Post, the Ogemaw County Sheriff’s Office, and Tri-Dent for their help in the investigation.
The Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office, Hamburg Township Police Department and MSP Flint Post are seeking any information from anyone who may have suffered a financial loss while conducting business with RVNow Rentals which was operated out of Owosso.
Anyone with information regarding RVNow Rentals, please contact the nearest agency listed below:
•Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office-Sault Ste. Marie
Detective Douglas Mitchell 906-635-6388
•Hamburg Township Police Department-Livingston County
Detective Sergeant Gary Harpe 810-222-1174
•Michigan State Police Flint Post
Detective Sergeant James Moore 810-733-5869
Lampricide to be applied to local creeks
July 28, 2018
CHIPPEWA COUNTY — U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service personnel will apply lampricides to Carlton and Beavertail creeks (Chippewa County) to kill sea lamprey larvae burrowed in the stream bottom. Applications will be conducted on or about Aug. 7 to 16, in accordance with State of Michigan permits. Applications will be complete in about seven days. Application dates are tentative and may be changed based upon local weather or stream conditions near the time of treatment.
Sea lamprey larvae live in certain Great Lakes tributaries and transform to parasitic adults that migrate to the Great Lakes and kill fish. Failure to kill the larvae in streams would result in significant damage to the Great Lakes fishery. Infested tributaries must be treated every three to five years with lampricides to control sea lamprey populations.
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency have reviewed human health and environmental safety data for lampricides, and in 2003 concluded that the lampricides (Lampricid and Bayluscide) pose no unreasonable risk to the general population and the environment when applied at concentrations necessary to control larval sea lampreys. However, as with any pesticide, the public is advised to use discretion and minimize unnecessary exposure. Lampricides are selectively toxic to sea lampreys, but a few fish, insect, and broadleaf plants are sensitive. Persons confining bait fish or other organisms in stream water are advised to use an alternate water source because lampricides may cause mortality among aquatic organisms stressed by crowding and handling. Agricultural irrigation must be suspended for 24 hours, during and following treatment.
Extensive preparations are required for a safe and effective stream treatment. Prior to treatment, personnel collect data on stream water chemistry and discharge. In addition, they may conduct on-site toxicity tests with lampricides and stream flow studies with dyes that cause stream water to appear red or green.
Lampricides are carefully metered into the stream for approximately 12 hours, and continually analyzed at predetermined sites to assure that proper concentrations are maintained as the lampricides are carried downstream. Applicators are trained and are certified by Michigan regulatory agencies for aquatic applications of pesticides.
The program is contracted through the Great Lakes Fishery Commission to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The Commission initiated chemical control of sea lampreys in 1958. Since that time the highly successful program has contributed significantly to the maintenance of the $7 billion Great Lakes sport and commercial fisheries.
For additional information in the U.S. call 1-800-472-9212 and in Canada call 1-800-553-9091. TTY users may reach the Marquette or Ludington Biological Stations through the Michigan State Relay Service at 1-800-649-3777.
Michigan Tech study assesses impacts of worst-case oil spill in Straits of Mackinac
July 24, 2018
LANSING – State of Michigan agencies today released for public comment a draft independent analysis of the impacts of a potential oil spill from Enbridge Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac.
A team led by Michigan Technological University and directed by professor Guy Meadows of Michigan Tech’s Great Lakes Research Center submitted the draft report “Independent Risk Analysis for the Straits Pipelines” to state officials on July 16, 2018. Read More
LSSU breaks ground on Center for Freshwater Research and Education
July 23, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — Officials and guests turn the first layer of dirt on Lake Superior State University’s $13.2-million Center for Freshwater Research and Education on July 20 in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Slated for completion by summer 2020, CFRE is actually two undertakings in one.
A new 17,500 square-foot building will bear the name of Center benefactors Richard and Theresa Barch, and will anchor community, educational and research activities. LSSU’s existing Aquatic Research Laboratory will remain open while being significantly renovated and expanded into a dedicated hatchery. From left is LSSU President Rodney Hanley; Sault Ste. Marie Mayor Tony Bosbous; Tom Gorenflo of the Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority; CFRE Director Ashley Moerke; ARL Lab Manager Roger Greil; major CFRE project backers Richard and Theresa Barch; CFRE childrens’ engagement benefactor Constance Baker; Assistant Director of Research Kevin Kapuscinski; LSSU President Emeritus Peter Mitchell; Cloverland Electrical Cooperative President and CEO Dan Dasho; Congressman Jack Bergman, State Senator Wayne Schmidt; SmithGroup JJR CFRE Senior Project Manager Patrick Westerland; and Dick Posthumus, Chief of Staff for Mich. Gov. Rick Snyder. Stay informed with project details and further updates.
July 20, 2018
Read more in this issue, including information about:
Michigan Lighthouse Festival
Brimley-Bay Mills Farmers Market updates
Chairman's message for July
Brimley School Board reports
Bay Mills Executive Council updates
Photos from STEM Camp
Reminder: MDOT phone line open for I-75 Business Spur project in Sault Ste. Marie
July 18, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — The Michigan Department of Transportation has set up a phone line with voicemail to receive calls from residents, business owners, and the motoring public regarding the 2018-2019 I-75 Business Spur (BS) reconstruction and roundabout project in Sault Ste. Marie.
The phone line for project-related issues has been set up at the project field office. Call 906-259-0776.
MDOT and the city of Sault Ste. Marie are investing $11.2 million to reconstruct 2.2 miles of roadway and construct a roundabout combining the intersections of 3 Mile Road/Mackinac Trail and I-75 BS/Mackinac Trail in Sault Ste. Marie. The project is scheduled to be constructed in phases over two years. Work began May 29, 2018, and is expected to be completed in October 2019.
This project is expected to improve safety and traffic flow in this area.
Appraiser Mark Moran returns to the EUP
July 14, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — In August, three Superior District Libraries will be hosting Antique and Collectible Appraisal events with appraiser Mark F. Moran of Iola, WI. Due to the success of the events of the past three years, Moran is making a return visit to the Eastern Upper Peninsula.
Moran has been an appraiser for more than 20 years, a contributing editor to Antique Trader magazine, and co-author of over 25 books on antiques and collectibles. He has also been a guest expert on PBS’ Antiques Roadshow.
He will be at Drummond Island Library on Thursday, Aug. 9, from 3 to 6 p.m.; at Les Cheneaux Community Library in Cedarville on Friday, Aug. 10, from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.; and at Bayliss Public Library in Sault Ste. Marie on Saturday, Aug. 11, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The charge per item to be appraised is $10 (members of the Friends of the Drummond Island Library receive a $5 discount); more than one item may be appraised. Limit two items at Drummond Island Library. To register, visit the library help desks. For more information, you may call (906) 632-9331 (Bayliss); (906) 484-3547 (Cedarville); (906) 493-5243 (Drummond Island).
Those interested must register and pay in advance at their library of choice; space is limited. No refunds. The appraisals will be verbal, not written. Estimated appraisal times will be provided, but it is best to arrive early.
The community is invited to be part of the audience for the appraisal days and watch Moran in action. He will appraise most items, including: fine art, furniture, ceramics, glassware, vintage photographs, advertising, folk art, assorted toys, metalware, clocks, costume jewelry, musical instruments, vintage lighting, books, sporting memorabilia. He does not appraise weapons, traps, Nazi memorabilia, coins and paper money, fine jewelry, precious gems, or Beanie Babies.
Each library has a more detailed list of categories he can appraise, including some that may need advance preparation.
For a $75 fee, Moran is also available to visit homes to assess collections. There is no mileage charge if those interested live within 10 miles of an appraisal site. For more information, see
The Friends of Bayliss Library will provide refreshments on Aug. 11. Bayliss Public Library, a Superior District Library, is located at 541 Library Drive in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. For more information, call 906-632-9331 or check Facebook.
Note: attached flyer is for the libraries in Cedarville and Sault Ste. Marie. Please contact Drummond Island for more information about their event.
EUP Trails to be added to
July 13, 2018
SAULT STE. MARIE — Hikers, bicyclists, skiers, horseback riders, ORVers, and snowmobile riders can rely on for information on thousands of miles of trails across the northern Lower Peninsula this summer. This site features detailed information about each trail system and nearby amenities and attractions. However, one question keeps coming up: “Where are the Upper Peninsula trails?”
The Eastern Upper Peninsula Regional Planning Commission, along with Up North Trails Collaborative, and the Central and Western Planning Regions, has announced that by fall 2018, all land-based trails will also be available on The Regional Prosperity Initiative has funded the expansion of this resource to the entire Upper Peninsula.
The Up North Trails Collaborative has already brought together 53 organizations to map more than 5,300 miles of trails and points of interest; the number of partners and miles of trails will nearly double over this summer with the addition of the Upper Peninsula. Unlike a one-dimensional map that only shows simple routes, visitors to this website can find all kinds of information, including length, terrain, trail conditions, surface description, points of interest, photos and even near-term weather forecasts. There is also a narrative description that gives even more background for those planning a visit.
“EUPRPDC staff will be working with all trail user groups in our tri-county region to coordinate data collection and learn about local efforts and goals to expand trail systems,” said Jeff Hagan, CEO.
Working on trails is nothing new for EUPRPDC. The organization has worked with multiple groups around the region on trail mapping and development in recent years in an effort to improve amenities and awareness. Most recently, staff worked with partners to develop and continues to work on those resources for paddlers and boaters. This newly-announced collaboration with is strictly focused on dry land.
“We know the Upper Peninsula is a premiere destination for people who want to explore our thousands of miles of trails,” said Rebecca Bolen, planner for EUPRPDC. “Sometimes, though, people have trouble learning about all the opportunities that are available and this website will provide one comprehensive resource for all kinds of trails.”
Data collection and website work is expected to take place over the rest of the summer, followed by a public meeting in the fall to showcase the newly-expanded website.
Anyone wishing to get involved as an individual or a member of a trail group is invited to contact Bolen at 906-635-1581. To learn more about this new trail resource, visit the website
Beach open
July 6, 2018
BAY MILLS — The Riverview Campground beach area, also known as the ball diamonds, is now open to swimmers. The beach was previously closed on July 3 due to high e.coli levels.
Samples were taken by Bay Mills Biology Dept. on July 5, with clear results received on July 6.
Biology will continue to sample the waters each week until Labor Day.
Crews to survey for lamprey
July 1, 2018
UPPER PENINSULA — The continuing battle against sea lampreys soon will come to locations in the local area. A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada assessment crew will conduct work on the Tahquemenon River, Pine and Carp rivers, and offshore the Carp River (Mackinac and Chippewa counties), to kill sea lamprey larvae burrowed in the stream bottom. Applications will be conducted on or about July 10 to 19, 2018 in accordance with State of Michigan permits. Applications will be complete in about seven days. Application dates are tentative and may be changed based upon local weather or stream conditions near the time of treatment.
A first step in the control of sea lampreys is to survey streams tributary to the Great Lakes to determine the presence of larval sea lampreys. Sea lampreys invaded the Great Lakes in the 1920s and have been a permanent, destructive element of the fishery ever since. Sea Lampreys attach to fish with a suction cup mouth, rasp a hole through the fish’s scales and skin, and feed on blood and body fluids. The average sea lamprey will destroy up to (40 lbs / 20 kg) of fish during its parasitic phase.
Sea lamprey larvae hatch from eggs laid by adult lampreys in gravel nests, and drift into silty bottom areas where they burrow and live for several years. Also, larvae sometimes drift out of streams and settle in the immediate offshore areas near stream mouths. Failure to detect and subsequently eliminate larvae allows the lampreys to transform into parasitic adults and kill Great Lakes fish.
Fish biologists and technicians conduct surveys for sea lamprey larvae in hundreds of Great Lakes streams each year. Most surveys are conducted by electrofishing, but in deep waters crews use Bayluscide 3.2 percent Granular Sea Lamprey Larvicide, a lampricide approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency. This lampricide is specially formulated onto sand granules and covered with a time-release coating. The formulation is sprayed over a measured surface area of water where it sinks to the bottom, rapidly dissolves, and causes the larval sea lampreys to leave their burrows and swim to the surface where they are collected.
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency have reviewed human health and environmental safety data for lampricides, and in 2003 concluded that Bayluscide poses no unreasonable risk to the general population and the environment when applied at concentrations necessary to detect larval sea lampreys. Applications are conducted in accordance with Michigan permits.
The sea lamprey control program is formulated and implemented by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, in partnership with many groups including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Geological Survey, as well as Native American Tribal authorities and State and local governments. The Commission initiated chemical control of sea lampreys in 1958. Since that time the highly successful program has contributed significantly to the maintenance of the $7 billion Great Lakes sport and commercial fisheries.
The Commission is committed to delivering a sea lamprey control program that practices good environmental stewardship. To support the continued safe use of lampricides the Commission recently conducted a series of studies at a total cost of $6 million to assess the effects of the lampricides on human health and the environment. In addition to these studies the Commission has implemented a research program to develop alternative control techniques. The Commission also is developing a strategy to increase the number of barriers on sea lamprey-producing streams, and is conducting research into barrier design, traps, attractants, and biological controls.
For additional information in the U.S. call 1-800-472-9212, and in Canada call 1-800-553-9091. TTY users may reach the Marquette or Ludington Biological Stations through the Michigan State Relay Service at 1-800-649-3777. Information about sea lampreys and sea lamprey control is available online at
State budget includes funding for new health care facility in Bay Mills
June 25, 2018
BAY MILLS — Plans to construct a new health care facility in Bay Mills received a boost last week, as Gov. Rick Snyder penned a $1.5 million allocation for the project into the state budget.
The need for a larger health care facility arose after an assessment determined a building nearly three times the size of the current facility would be required to address community needs adequately. Bay Mills Health Center provides medical, dental, and mental health services to both tribal and non-tribal individuals throughout the county. BMHC is one of the few dental providers that currently accepts Medicaid in Chippewa County.
State Rep. Lee Chatfield, R-Levering, and State Sen. Wayne Schmidt, R-Traverse City, played an integral part in the request for funding, advocating for the health care center of behalf of their constituents in Chippewa County. BMHC provides services to 10 percent of the population in the local area.
Officials from Bay Mills Indian Community have been laying the groundwork for the project in recent months, with the assistance of the Indian Health Service. A final cost for the project has yet to be determined, as site selection and utility accessibility will play a large part in that figure.
The overall goal is integrated health care services: preventative care, traditional medicine, medical, dental, and mental health care, as well as substance abuse treatment and pharmacy services all under one roof.
“This funding will provide us the jumpstart we need to get this project done,” said Bryan Newland, Bay Mills tribal chairman. “I'm incredibly grateful for the advocacy of Rep. Chatfield in trying to meet the health care needs of the EUP, and also for the support of Sen. Schmidt. This project signals a strong partnership between Bay Mills and the State."
June 21, 2018
Print copies of the June Summer Quarterly are available throughout Bay Mills offices and Bay Mills Resort & Casino and will be delivered in the afternoon of June 21.
Copies are also available throughout Sault Ste. Marie, including the following locations:
Woody's One Stop
U.P. Tire
Bayliss Public Library
Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan
Island Books & Crafts
Pak n Ship
Tanglewood Golf Course
The Visitor's Center/Rest Stop by the International Bridge
Kewadin Casino art gallery entrance
Cloverland Electric Cooperative announces election results
June 8, 2018
DAFTER — Cloverland Electric Cooperative announced the results of the director elections at its Annual Meeting of the Members on the evening of June 7 at the Dafter Township Hall.
Cloverland is a democratically-controlled, not-for-profit electric co-op that is governed by nine directors elected by and from the members of their respective districts to serve a three-year term in office. One seat is up for election in each district each year.
Voting took place by mail-in ballot which concluded on May 31. Gerald Nettleton of DeTour Village is the newly elected director for District A receiving 1,038 votes. Andrew Brown of St. Ignace received 938 votes. Susan Rutledge of Hessel received 788 votes and Joseph Durm of St. Ignace received 234 votes. District A is also represented by Jason St. Onge of Mackinac Island and William LaLonde of St. Ignace. Jason Oberle of Sault Ste. Marie is the newly elected director for District B receiving 1,436 votes. Charles Litzner of Sault Ste. Marie received 888 votes and Raymond Johnson of Eckerman received 486 votes. District B is also represented by John Sawruk of Sault Ste. Marie and Carmine Bonacci Jr. of Sault Ste. Marie. In District C, Ron Provo of Manistique, was re-elected with 1,014 votes. Allan Ott of Manistique received 828 votes. Wayne Hellerstedt of Germfask received 505 votes and Isaac Swisher of Manistique received 345 votes. District C is also represented by Virgil Monroe of Manistique and Peter Legault of Engadine.
Prior to hearing the election results, members voted to amend the qualifications for a director candidate to include language that reads, “No one who is a registered sex offender or has been convicted of a sex related crime may run for the board of directors.”
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