DNR wants to hear your ideas on state forest planning for Luce and Chippewa Counties
Sept. 8, 2017
CHIPPEWA COUNTY — Whether you’re interested in healthy forests, quality wildlife habitat or a strong forest products industry, don’t miss the chance to get involved in state forest planning.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources currently is making plans for the forest in 2019. These management plans include harvesting timber, planting trees, prescribed burning and maintaining fields and open areas – activities that help to provide wildlife habitat, control invasive species and improve the overall health of the forest.
This year, areas are under review in Columbus, Lakefield, McMillan and Pentland townships (Luce County) and Whitefish Township (Chippewa County).
The DNR also is seeking public input regarding management plans for Ecological Reference Areas, rare or high-quality natural communities that have been relatively undisturbed by human intervention. The DNR’s long-term goal is to maintain these areas as an example of Michigan’s biodiversity. Ecological Reference Area plans have been prepared for two sites in Luce County this year, including the Pretty Lakes area and the Prison Camp Muskeg area, which is the largest expanse of muskeg in Michigan.
The public is invited to look over proposals, view maps of the affected areas and provide feedback. The following public meetings will be held:
Newberry – Oct. 10
3 to 6 p.m. at the Newberry Field Office, 5666 M-123 S., Newberry
DNR staff will approve final plans at a meeting Oct. 24 at 9 a.m. at the LMAS District Health Department, 14150 Hamilton Lake Road, Lower Level Conference Room.
If you can’t make any of these meetings, you can find maps and information online at www.michigan.gov/forestry. Select the “Find a Forest” button and click the “Newberry” button on the map. You also can submit comments via email to Keith Magnusson using the subject line “Newberry Forest Management Unit open house comment.”
If you have a disability that requires accommodations to attend these meetings, please contact Keith Magnusson at magnussonk@michigan.gov or at 906-293-3293, ext. 4740 at least five business days prior to each meeting.
Learn more about the state forest planning process at www.michigan.gov/forestplan.