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DNR seeks public input on draft strategic plan for Michigan's state park and recreation system


May 2, 2017

In an effort to guide the future management of the state's park and recreation system, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is seeking feedback on the draft Parks and Recreation Division Strategic Plan 2017-2022: Connections. The draft plan is available for public review and comment.


​The DNR Parks and Recreation Division manages 103 state parks and recreation areas, totaling 306,148 acres across Michigan's Upper and Lower peninsulas. It also manages the state’s boating program, the state motorized and non-motorized trail system and 138 state forest campgrounds.


"Michigan's diverse natural, cultural and outdoor recreational resources play a defining role in residents’ quality of life,” said Ron Olson, Parks and Recreation Division chief. "As we approach the 100-year anniversary of the state's park system, it is vital that we create a defined plan that meets the expectations of our customers and protects Michigan's natural resources."


The draft strategic plan was developed through statewide engagement with stakeholders, advisory groups and DNR staff to help identify the primary issues that need to be addressed. The new strategic plan will result in a more streamlined planning document reflecting the many changes that have occurred in recent years and will replace the current strategic plan, PRD Strategic Plan 2009-2019: Sustaining 90 Years of Excellence.


"The strategic plan will serve as our road map for park and recreation planning in the state over the course of the next five years. Input from our residents is integral to the success of this strategic plan," said Olson.


​The draft plan is available for review at Comments and feedback on the draft strategic plan can be emailed to through May 19, 2017.


​The new strategic plan ultimately will guide the division in meeting its mission to "acquire, protect and preserve the natural and cultural features of Michigan’s unique resources, and to provide access to land- and water-based recreation and educational opportunities" over the upcoming five-year period.


​For more information about the draft plan or the planning process, contact Michelle Wieber, DNR Planning and Infrastructure Section administrative assistant, at 517-284-6138 or

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